Become a Donor

The Woods Hole Foundation would like your help.
Since 1978, the Foundation has awarded grants annually to local nonprofit organizations in Woods Hole and Falmouth that provide health and human services, educational and cultural activities, and organizations that need help maintaining and preserving buildings that exemplify the character of the town. In short, the Foundation awards grants that enhance the quality of life in our community.
Further, the Foundation directs many of its grants to small nonprofit organizations with limited resources, which are often overlooked by larger funding sources. Our grants make possible small projects that would otherwise never come to fruition.
Our volunteer board of directors are members of the community. We have no paid employees; therefore our overhead is minimal, allowing your contributions to go directly for assistance to our neighbors. In the clearest sense of the term, the Woods Hole Foundation is a community foundation.
In 2023, the Foundation made grants totaling more than $140,317 to local nonprofit organizations, including the Woods Hole Community Association, Family Folk Dancing, the Falmouth Housing Trust, the Woods Hole Child Center, and various projects supporting the youth in our community.
Each year, however, grant requests far exceed our funds available for distribution. We are continually striving to increase our endowment so we may better respond to future grant requests.
You have a special opportunity to support the nonprofit organizations that provide much-needed services in our community. Please consider making a contribution, knowing that whatever you give will enable the Foundation to continue to provide assistance to community nonprofits.
With your support, we can continue to do our part.
To donate, please make your check payable to Woods Hole Foundation and send it to:
Woods Hole Foundation
PO Box 603
Woods Hole, MA 02543